Procurement, operation of AC electric buses for Jammu, Srinagar reviewed


Procurement, operation of AC electric buses for Jammu, Srinagar reviewed


Jammu, March 17: Principal Secretary, Housing and Urban Development Department (H&UDD), Dheeraj Gupta, today chaired a meeting to review procurement, operation and maintenance of AC electric buses for Jammu and Srinagar cities at the Civil Secretariat.

Principal Secretary was informed about the contract, prototypes and timeline of procurement of electric buses for the twin smart cities. He was apprised that proof of concept would be conducted after technical evaluation of the bids.

Principal Secretary directed both the Divisional Commissioners of Jammu and Kashmir to steer the operationalization of buses by addressing land issues.

It was decided in the meeting that a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) would be created to look after the entire project of inclusion of e-buses in both the smart cities. It was observed that there are a number of models adopted in different parts of the country on this account and the most suitable can be replicated in the UT.

Other aspects of the operations of buses, like ticket management, fare collection, engagement of operators, installation of charging stations, land requirement for parking and other related issues were also deliberated upon in the meeting.

Principal Secretary asked the Road Transport Department and the Road Transport Corporation to prepare a detailed report of city routes, passenger traffic and required frequency of operation of e-buses. He also took stock of route plans for the buses.

The meeting was attended by Divisional Commissioner Jammu, Dr Raghav Langer; CEO Jammu Smart City Limited, Avny Lavasa besides officers from Road Transport Department and Road Transport Corporation and others while officers from Kashmir participated virtually.


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