Covid Among Children at Handwara Creates Panic ;
7 Children confirmed Covid positive at Handwara Hospital
Dr Abdul Qayoom
Kupwara, Nov 12: Covid- 19 infection among Children at Handwara has created Panic among the parents in and around Handwara.
About seven children have been found Covid-19 positive at District Hospital Handwara during the last one week, thus creating panic among parents in the area. While confirming to Headlines Today a senior official at District Hospital Handwara revealed that during past one week, seven children from different areas of Kupwara have been found positive. Youngest among the infected is a child of six-months old infant. Also teenagers as old as 14-years have also tested positive for Covid-19 at the hospital.
On-duty doctors after assessing these kids prescribed their attendants to get their Covid tests done following which their tests came positive,” the official added.
The official said that all of the infected children have been home isolated and were getting better with each passing day.
Meanwhile, Superintendent District Hospital Handwara, Dr Nisar confirmed that during past one month seven kids have been found positive.
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