How global warming effect J&K Erratic snowfall and snowfall pattern and unusual warm winters are some of the characteristics of the climate change in Jammu and Kashmir.


How global warming effect J&K  Erratic snowfall and snowfall pattern and unusual warm winters are some of the characteristics of the climate change in Jammu and Kashmir.

The diverse types of ecosystems and communities, especially the poor rural people, living in the mountains across the state are among the most affected by climate change.

 Global warming is a certain cause of reduction in snowfall in Kashmir because global warming changes the precipitation patterns and thus leads to weather and eventually climate change.

The climate of Jammu and Kashmir is to a large extent influenced by the mountains it is surrounded by. The temperature is greatly moderated by these mountains and the water bodies. As the altitude varies in Jammu Kashmir, all three divisions experience a different environment.

Effects that scientists had predicted in the past would result from global climate change are now occurring: loss of sea ice, accelerated sea-level rise and longer, more intense heat waves.

"The effects of global warming include an increase in sea levels (leading to coastal flooding), changes in precipitation (leading to more floods and droughts), increased intensity of storms, and the spread of disease vectors.

Jammu and Kashmir: moderately hot and wet. The climate of Jammu and Kashmir is characterized as moderately hot and wet. Jammu and Kashmir region shows high temperature throughout the year and receives a high amount of rainfall.

All of these factors affect not only the climate of Jammu and Kashmir but the climate of all over India.

Weather changes frequently as compared to climate, because of changes in various elements like wind speed, humidity, etc. that determine the weather.


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